This year has been a burden for all of us. It’s not uncommon to feel downcast during times like these. I find myself reminiscing about being in college, meeting my friends and even just walking around outside. Worried thoughts find me quite easily.
Something I’ve been recently focusing on is trying to find humor everyday. Laughter has many benefits such as making you feel more connected with other people and boosting your mood. An article published by the Mayo Clinic states that regular laughter can even improve your immune system and release endorphins!
I find talking to a friend, watching a stand-up comedy, or even making light of my own situation helps me find some ease throughout the day. It momentarily removes the sense of seriousness I garner. It has been one of ways I take care of my mental health for a few years, and lately I’ve come back to it as it is one of the simplest practices to incorporate into my day.
There is a body of evidence regarding the effects of humor in psychology. Some studies show positive long-term effects like reduction in symptoms of anxiety. Some are finding it feasible to use humor training in their clinical practice.
Lastly, it’s important to recognize when humor is being taken too far. Constantly making jokes at the expense of yourself or others can create an unpleasant narrative in your mind about either yourself or them. Not everything can be brushed off using humor.
Of course being able to find humor right now is a privilege. It may not come to everyone. However, I’d still urge you to find one moment in a day to appreciate something that you can laugh at. For everyone who read the few blog posts that I wrote – thank you! I hope they were relatable and that you could extract something from them that’s applicable to your life.