How many times have you felt stuck this year? For me, it’s almost everyday. Sometimes I get this feeling of dread that I’m not progressing in any way, whether it’s related to academics, my future, or even this blog post. I think we all feel this need to move forward constantly. But how often do we take time to let ourselves be?
I think that being with oneself is not only beneficial for mental health, but it is also a skill. Being, rather than doing, can be a form of self-care and improvement. Learning to be present can help us to better understand ourselves and grow more comfortable with who we are.
In the last several months, I have spent more time with myself than ever before. I took a lot of this time to think and relax (and to watch mindless shows on Netflix as well). In this time I’ve gained more clarity as to what I want to pursue and what my priorities are. I’m now sure that I want to pursue Psychology academically, that I value my mental health, and that I need to stay in touch with my friends more regularly. Having conversations with myself hasn’t always been comfortable, but it has been conducive to growth.
Besides contemplation – which can get tiring rather quickly – I think we can find ways to enhance our lives without being too serious about it. Whether it’s picking up a craft, reading, or learning a new sport. There are countless activities that can provide enjoyment and challenges simultaneously.
What I’m currently doing is trying to improve at activities that I enjoy, that also provide some delayed gratification. I’ve been passionate about music for a long time, so I picked up the harmonica. I’m learning how to pair it with guitar which I’ve been playing for eight years. It allows me to stay with the process and learn to be patient with myself.
The point I want to bring home with this post is that it’s okay to not feel as if we’re constantly moving forward in our professional lives. There are other ways to develop ourselves, and it is okay to take time to be and grow more familiar with who we are.