‘Drugs’, or as the youth might refer to it-‘chilling’, is essentially rolling up a cannabis cigarette for the average Indian college student. I know it might sound like a moonshot, however, you’d be startled at the staggering percentage of ‘young’ smokers and drug users in India.
What made them first use it?
Well, I feel like that the almost strangulating feeling of boredom in a residential educational institute pretty much alludes towards the ‘pilot phase’, as I like to call it. Undoubtedly, smoking triggers the dopamine producer glands in our brain and as a result the sensation is a pleasurable and desirable one. “Since I have nothing to do for a couple hours now, I might as well smoke a joint”, heard this first hand and it adds up well.
The extremely thin line between ‘use’ and ‘abuse’ is perhaps now of more pertinence than ever before. It is absolutely imperative for one to comprehend their consumption, are you using marijuana for recreational purposes or are you abusing a drug that in essence numbs you down and therefore it is desirable. I feel that individuals who are retrospective enough to ascertain the aforementioned difference qualify as aware. If you are aware user/abuser and you don’t perceive it as a hindrance to yourself or your thought process, then I don’t see why you should let anyone tell you otherwise!
Is it easily accessible and affordable?
There exists a plethora of choices and yes it’s certainly affordable else it wouldn’t be this widespread! Rolling a joint won’t cost you a fortune and that’s perhaps why every second or third Indian college student would agree to have lit up once in their lives.
Parents, fret not! Unless there is a grave abusing issue, he/she is probably just using it for recreational purposes. Now we have a luxury hotel in space, what makes you think your child can’t get his hands on some puff. If you’re sending them out there in the world, you should assume they’ll encounter ‘drugs’ at some point. Therefore, it is futile to try to protect them, rather educate them about the pros and cons and let them make the choice!